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Best astrologer in India | Best astrologer in Delhi | Best astrology in delhi

Title: Best astrologer in India | Best astrologer in Delhi | Best astrology in delhi
URL: http://www.bestastrologerinindia.org
Description: Thus the general consideration and mutability of dignity and honour is sought out and determined. But many things between the two extremes of dignified stations, and abject servility, must be taken into the account, before any reasonable Judgment can be formed from the native’s geniture; for we must recollect, that every person born under the same propitious configuration, cannot alike arrive to the self-same height of diginity and honour, because the difference of birth and station will at once destroy the possibility of it; not to say any thing of cross aspects, and other baneful familiarities, which may either cut the thread of life, or tend to lessen the grateful influences of benefic configurations.

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