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Painting and decorating London - http://www.pjhi.co.uk/ - Added on 2015-07-16 13:19:09

PJ Home Improvements is a London based company specialised in delivering professional home improvement services. We do stuff like external and internal decoration, wood floor finishing, furniture renovation, painting and my others. For a full list of our services please visit our website. - [Read More]

Ready Set Plumb - Plumbers in Sydney - http://www.readysetplumb.com.au/ - Added on 2016-07-24 07:34:24

Ready Set Plumb are Sydney's best local plumbing service provider. Gas fitting, leaking taps, blocked drains - we do it all. - [Read More]

http://www.glarmester-amager.dk/ - http://www.glarmester-amager.dk/ - Added on 2017-12-04 13:17:13

Din Lokale Glarmester på Amager er til for vores kunder på Amager. Med mange års erfaring inden for faget samt altid opdateret med de nyeste teknikker kan vi tilbyde glarmesterarbejde til de bedste priser. Vores arbejdsområder omfatter bl.a.: Lavenergi-Thermoruder Alle former for reparationsopgaver herunder indbrudsskader m.m. Forsatsvinduer Lavenergi - termoruder Tilskæring af glas Brusedøre Spejle Nye døre & vinduer Sikkerhedsglas til trapper & terrasser Butiksruder Glasfacader Ring på tlf: 43 43 43 69 for et godt og uforpligtend tilbud. Vi er en lille virksomhed uden stor administration. Dette kommer vores kunder til gode gennem fornuftige priser, høj kvalitet og stor fleksibilitet. Geografisk dækker vi naturligvis hele Amager herunder Tårnby, Sundby, Kastrup samt Dragør. Har du brug for glas i specialmål? Så kontakt Glarmester Amager. Vi er skærer glas i alle mål til. f.eks. reoler, brusedøre- og vægge, glas i gulv og meget mere. Kun fantasien sætter grænsen. Har du akut brug for hjælp kan vi kontaktes 24/7 på 43 43 43 69 - [Read More]

tile contractor long beach california - http://tilesetter-longbeach.com/ - Added on 2018-02-22 07:37:24

Welcome to Roberts Tile! Your Tile Setter Long Beach. Are you looking for a professional tile setter Long Beach? If so, Roberts Tile provides professional services including expert tile installation with over 40 years of experience. But we do much more than just tile. As a full service general contractor we can handle any situation you might have. Jeff Roberts is an artisan of the tile trade with old school values and quality work. Great looking tile work begins with creating a solid foundation. Therefore, we never cut corners on quality. Our tile work is done to your expectations and design with exceptional attention to the details. As a result, we are considered one of the best tile setters Long Beach.tile setter Long Beach Excellent reputation as a tile setter Many referrals of quality work Free estimates Quick call back At work on time Efficient No mess – we treat your home like it was our own. Full service general contractor Tile setter long beach License number 693467 - [Read More]

Plumber Manly - http://www.4elementsplumbing.com.au/plumber-manly - Added on 2018-03-24 05:18:09

4 Elements Plumbing is a reputable plumbing company based in Sydney, who offer residential and commercial plumbing services. We offer a lifetime guarantee on all of our completed plumbing and are not happy until all of our customer are 100% satisfied. Services we provide include clearing blocked drain, installing gas fittings, plumbing for bathroom and kitchen renovations, repairing taps and toilets. - [Read More]

Murer Amager - http://www.murer-amager.dk - Added on 2018-07-11 14:27:24

Murermester Mollerup har gennem mere end 15 år drevet murervirksomhed på Amager. Vi udfører alle tænkelige opgaver inden for faget fra mindre reparationsopgaver til nybyg. Fællesnævneren for alt vores arbejde er at tilbyde håndværk der holder til priser der kan betales. - [Read More]

design interior botosani - https://amenajariinterioarebotosani.com/ - Added on 2018-07-31 12:29:08

Echipa Tristar Construct va aduce la dispozitie serviciile sale profesionale de tamplarie termopan si izopan! Practic aceste servicii presupun instalarea ferestrelor de termopan, precum si a panourilor izopan, pe masurile locuintei dumneavoastra. Echipa ia masuratorile necesare, apoi executa comanda la atelier, dupa care revine la dumneavoastra acasa pentru montare. Asemanator tuturor serviciilor oferite de Tristar Construct, si in cazul tamplariei termopan calitatea vine pe primul loc. Echipa de specialisti atent selectionati va ofera garantia unei lucrari de calitate. Mai mult, expertii nostri va pot oferi conciliere in legatura cu materialele pe care urmeaza sa le foloseasca. Nimeni nu stie mai bine ca ei care este cel mai bun raport pret-calitate. Astfel, in functie de bugetul si dorintele dumneavoastra, echipa vine cu o serie de sugestii competente in scopul realizarii unei lucrari excelente! - [Read More]

Maler Dragør - http://www.barendorff.dk - Added on 2018-10-26 12:18:46

Vi tilbyder alt inden for malerfaget herunder reparationsarbejde, facaderenovering, tapetsering samt renoveringsarbejde. Få et godt tilbud idag. Vi bor i Dragør men udfører malerarbejde i hele Storkøbenhavn. - [Read More]


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