Fetcher.in is a complete solution for Instant Food home delivery Rohini, Pitampura, North Delhi and South Delhi. Get clothing, grocery home delivery services in Rohini, pitampura, south Delhi, and get anything at your door step. - [Read More]
Sequetus Series - http://www.sequetus.com - Added on 2014-12-23 03:48:52
Sequetus is a massive science fiction epic, which begins in 1989, and covers over a thousand years into the future. There are twenty-three books, and broken into four miniseries. The author is Australian, Nick Broadhurst, who started to write the story when it begins in 1989. The story is of an extraterrestrial intelligence officer sent to Sequetus 3 - Earth, to find out why there are many anomalies with this planet: why they live short lives - 75 versus 325 years, and why there has been no intervention thought ordered. - [Read More]
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